December 30, 2019 ERP

8 Construction ERP Modules You Need To Know

By Henry Chen, Read 6 mins

At whatever point a construction company thinks about optimizing its activities and management, they have to consider implementing an ERP solution.

The implementation of ERP is probably the best way that an organization can do this. Though this may seem like a daunting prospect initially, but we have found that in the long run, the end more than justifies the means.

Prior to utilizing any product however, it is important to know about each and every available information about it since you will be investing time and money into something on a consistent basis.

This means you should thoroughly do your research before making a decision regarding its purchase. This article will give you insight that will help your comprehension of the use of construction ERP and the benefits it offers alongside.

8 Construction ERP Modules

In a construction ERP, there are eight significant key modules and every module has a unique value and working in regards to the improvement of the organization. The eight Major modules of construction ERP subtleties are given below.

The main modules of an ERP for contracting business

  1. Project Management & Production
  2. Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  3. Inventory
  4. Logistics
  5. CRM
  6. Accounting & Finance
  7. Business Intelligence
  8. Workforce Management

So as to deal with the undertakings and control every single capacity of the construction company adequately and with proficiency, it is important to have a thorough understanding about the significant modules of ERP software for contracting industry. So as to assist you with the excursion here we have outlined and explained every detail of the modules below.

Project management and production

In this module it gets simpler to guarantee every one of the projects and undertakings works at its optimal limit.

Moreover, it also keeps you up to date by providing real time data with respect to your ongoing projects .

This module enables the organisation to monitor every aspect of production and all its details. This means any faults or problems can be detected immediately that might have cost the company huge sums of money in losses.

Thanks to this feature, it is more likely that your projects will come to fruition.

Supply chain management

It assumes a significant role in setting up the costs of monitoring, automation in purchasing, and optimizing the supply chain.

It additionally handles the purchase orders management alongside the material requirements planning (MRP). Through the use of this module it gets easier to streamline purchase orders and maintain a good relationship with your supplier.


Through this module of ERP software for contracting, resource management becomes much simpler and to have overall control of costs, transaction history and other information regarding the organisation. Wireless management as well as catch unit items are included in this module.


The function of this module is to track shipments along with features that help you optimize the routes and schedules. It also enables printing of invoices for purchase and sales, report generation for further analysis, not to mention keeping track of the cargo loading for maximum efficiency.

Customer relationship management

Through this Contracting ERP module the association can, without much effort, manage the contacts from one area and improve the revenue from sales by managing customer relationships more effectively.

The module provides useful insights into specific client’s behaviour and information about their repeat purchases, along with tools that let you finalize and close deals quicker.

The efficiency of your employees can also be monitored through the key performance indicators provided in this module.

Accounting and finance

As the name suggests, this module helps you deal with managing the invoices, orders, and bills pertaining to your accounts payables and receivables. It also helps by providing an analysis and reports on the financial status of the company.

Business intelligence

In this module there are a few features such as imaging documents, KPI’s, indicators or business performances, and your address book containing all your clients’ details.

With the assistance of this module, the organisation can store every important business document safely in a large business library. It also aides in monitoring the performances of the various departments that are currently working on various tasks in the organisation.

The module also helps you improve and optimize the tasks that the company performs thanks to its business insights. Through various analysis and reports that it is able to generate, you can easily maintain a good relationship with your suppliers, employees and clients all from one location.

Workforce management

This is the last module of Contracting ERP software and it incorporates the capacities like task management, time and material administration, and much more.

It allows the organisation to manage projects and constantly track the progress of all the tasks within an ongoing project in real time, thus making it easier to deal with. It likewise helps in checking and dealing with the projects that are appointed to the various departments within the organisation.

Metal Construction ERP Features:

  • Coil tagging and tracking Monitoring metal coils throughout their life cycle of a project is easier to track. 
  • Component order entry For measuring materials and components with their respective units.
  • Metal Building Manufacturer’s Association (MBMA) reporting It keeps you up to date with any new developments regarding the MBMA.
  • Roll former integration Practically eliminates all manual data entries as well as any consolidating tasks that need to be done.

This concludes our insight into the modules of construction ERP. These will definitely help your organisation achieve its goals, with efficiency.

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