February 6, 2019 Blog, CRM

How to Build Your Integrated Marketing Stack

By Fida-E Zaheer, Read 5 mins

Did you know that businesses that use a marketing automation to nurture prospects are known to experience a 451% increase on qualified leads?1 Or did you know that On average, 49% of companies are currently using marketing automation, and more than half of B2B companies are adopting the technology?

How to Build Your Integrated Marketing Stack

This just goes to show that stacking your marketing tools is a trend that’s growing and not going anywhere anytime soon.

You may be asking yourself what exactly is a marketing stack? A marketing stack is the grouping of technologies that marketers leverage to conduct and improve their marketing activities. Often, the focus of marketing technologies is to make difficult processes easier, and to measure the impact of marketing activities and drive more efficient spending.

What are the different types of marketing you can stack? At Syncoria we offer our clients multiple marketing tools through Odoo. The 5 that we focus on most are:

  • Landing Page (Odoo CMS)
  • Outbound Marketing (Odoo Mass Mail/E-Mail marketing)
  • Lead Nurturing (Odoo CRM/Live Chat)
  • Increase Conversions (Odoo Events/Blog/Survey)
  • Delight your customers (Odoo Helpdesk)

online marketing stack integration

the importance of first impressions

Landing Page

Landing pages provide a lot of important benefits to your stack. Things like your design quality, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEA (Search Engine Advertising) are things that will help your site get tons of exposure to potential customers. You don’t have to be a creative genius to have a decent looking landing page. Some things to add to your landing page could be a clean drop down menu, testimonials, content, and a very strong CTA (Call to Action)

Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing is one of the most important tools you can use for your business, especially if you’re relying on finding new business or customers. This can be found in the “Mass Mail” app on Odoo. When using email marketing it is a rule of thumb to always have a strong CTA (Call to Action) the mailing list management system is great because it allows you to track your data (Open rates, clicks, ect) and gives you a better scope on which your target audience is. When you know who shows an interest it allows you to focus on these leads and gives you the information you need for future marketing.

track and optimize mailing list management

crm integration

Lead Nurturing

Nurturing your leads is one of the most important steps to your marketing stack. Nurturing your leads is so important because it allows you to reconnect with your customers. Two tools that allow you to nurture your leads are the CRM app and also the Live Chat app.  The CRM integration is wonderful because it allows you to connect your sales team to prospects. It lets you add tons of their information into the system so you schedule and follow up with leads you lost contact with or just want to stay on top of. The scheduling system for the CRM is so robust you can set reminders in any year, month, week, or day and it even lets you leave notes and schedule a future time when you would like to follow up. The live chat is another important tool to allow your customers to have assistance. A staggering 42% of customers prefer live chat compared to just 23% for email, and 16% for social media or forums which goes to show that if the customer expects it, you should adapt to it. 2

Increase Conversions

You can always increase your conversions by using 3 important tools: Events, Blogs, and Surveys. Which of course we have all three! The event app on Odoo allows you to build your community by organizing on-site and online events. It covers all aspects of an event planners job from ticket sales to promotion. In the blog application it makes it easy to set up great content for your marketing. It helps the referencing of the website and all content is meant to have better display quality. All you have to do is upload your articles and go! Last but not least is the surveys; the survey application. Whether you want to automate appraisals, create satisfactions surveys or have a feedback form. These are 3 crucial marketing tools to increase your conversion rate, so what are you waiting for?

build your own community

Delight Your Customers

Keeping your customers happy is not always easy because lets face it, they aren’t always right. With that being said it is still your companies duty to provide excellent quality service and keep your customers delighted. The help desk application makes it way easier by having exceptional support service. The helpdesk allows you to track, prioritize and solve customer tickets. It allows you to assist your customers via email, website form, twitter, and of course the live chat as well.

delight customers with exceptional service

All of these marketing tools that I have spoke about each play an important role in your business. The days of print and radio marketing are of the past and its time to adapt to the future. Syncoria is always here to help get your business set up with a marketing stack. If you’re looking to add a marketing stack to your business, reach out to us by clicking here and setting up a free demo of the system.


  1. https://www.business2community.com/infographics/marketing-automation-by-the-numbers-infographic-0342287#!rFqTU
  2. https://www.superoffice.com/blog/live-chat-statistics/

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