February 5, 2019 Blog, CRM, Digital Transformation, ERP

Business Software For Small and Medium Enterprises

By Fida-E Zaheer, Read 5 mins

Business software encompasses any type of computer software which is designed specifically to perform certain functions for the operations of the firm. In a lot of case, the software helps companies increase productivity of the employees, and reduce operational costs while evaluating performance.

There are of course different forms of business software. Some allow the user to interact via a graphic user interface, allowing them to modify, query and input relevant date to churn out results. Others are set up to start at a particular time, so that the initiating and motoring of the program does not have to be done by employees.

Whether the software is developed in house or purchased from a provider, business software can be made to handle any size of work and can also handle different styles of information.

Software as a Service:

SaaS, or Software as a Service allows you to use programs on the internet instead of installing and maintaining the software on your firm’s server. This is also known as a web-based software, and all that is needed, is an internet connection.

The greatest benefit of SaaS is possibly that, since it is run on the provider’s server, all of the maintenance and other issues that may come up, are the provider’s responsibility to handle. This frees up time and money for the business owner since they do not have to hire or maintain an in-house IT department as would be the case for an on-site system.

Additionally, SaaS solutions do not require the purchase of an expensive software; instead, the user pays a monthly subscription.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is similar to SaaS and allows access to software via the internet. However, this feature is commonly offered on a pay-per-use basis, making it very cost efficient. Cloud computing offers instant, on-demand access to a shared pool of resources, for example storage, servers, and applications, as well as other IT services.

There are several different kinds of cloud computing options in use by business. These include:

Private Cloud Systems- where the cloud computing service is built in house within a business. This option is managed by an on-site IT department and is perfect for companies which want greater control over the cloud.

Public Cloud- This is where the cloud platform is built on an off-site platform and run by a provider, who maintains security, and system resources in exchange for a fee. Businesses looking for a greater degree of cost-effectiveness and flexibility, as well as access to the latest technology may find the public cloud to be their best bet.

Hybrid Cloud- The hybrid cloud uses both private and public clouds to provide its services to businesses.

A portion of the cloud system may be managed in-house by an IT department, while the rest can be managed by a provider. Companies wanting to manage more private information themselves while storing other, non-sensitive data elsewhere may find the hybrid cloud model to be useful.

Accounting Software

Software that is used to manage payroll and accounting departments is mandatory to every business. Both large or small, or even any business can benefit from payroll and accounting software. However, before any brand of software is chosen, the business must first identify and evaluate what it specifically needs.

What signs must you see in order to understand you need to upgrade to accounting-softwares?

  • The business is growing, to a scale which cannot be processed on pen and paper
  • You oversee the leadership of your star up
  • Your operations need streamlining
  • You want to comply with rules and regulations

Any business that needs an efficient way to manage finances will find that implementing software is the way to go, without the burden of having to do them manually.

Human Resource SOFTWARE

HR software allows for the management of employee data in a centralized location. It also allows for the easy mapping of employee history, and quick retrieval of the employees personal and professional data.

It can also help with the organization of the following:

  • Perquisites
  • Salaries
  • Time for leave
  • Events
  • Files and documents

HR software not only organizes all the information about the employees but also allows for the increased security of personnel files, as access can be restricted at various levels and to different kinds of information.

Invest in Software, or Hire a Professional?

In recent times, the tradition of hiring a professional to carry our operations, has been replaced by finding the right business software to carry out the work. No matter which software is adopted for business, one fact remains true; with the ever-increasing amount of data being created and handled by today’s business, the need for effective software solutions that enable companies to obtain, accumulate, and process the information, is greater than before and is growing.

Whichever business software is chosen, understanding the software is very important. Analyzing the different features and functions of software can provide the business owner with the information they need to make an intelligent decision.

If you’re looking for a professional consultation about any of the above types of software for your business, contact Syncoria. We build, implement, and maintain Enterprise Software, using cloud-based, open-source, and highly secure platforms, for small and medium businesses across Canada and North America. We can also ensure that all your Business software is integrated with one another, making it easier for you to monitor the operational health of your business in one place.

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